

Membership may be granted to any person who holds residency within the Maltese Islands, no matter what nationality.

Applications for membership can be made through the Group to which the applicant wishes to belong, or by downloading a membership form and posting it direct.

Annual membership of the BRA currently costs €12 per person. In addition there is a once only joining fee of €10 per person.


Please contact your local Group for membership application or contact us through this website.   Once you are a member you will be able to join in all the activities for all of the group around the island.


Renewal is normally collected from the month of October until December 31st. Please remember to tick the box that says you are happy to receive the News by E mail, rather than by post. This will mean that you receive it several days earlier, and also that you will receive it in colour. Please contact your Group’s membership Secretary or Chairman for renewal.

NOTE Any Member who has not renewed their subscription by 31 March in any year will cease to be a Member and will not continue to receive membership benefits. Anyone who wishes to renew their membership after that date will need to reapply and pay a re-joining fee of €5 in addition to the Annual fee of €12

Any person not holding a British Passport may not hold position on the BRA Council, but may serve at Group Committee level excepting as Chairman or Vice Chairman.

For further information, please click on “Contact Us” followed by the e-mail address shown.

A  copy of the Constitution for the British Residents Association, as approved by the Annual General Meeting, March 2006, further amended at the Annual General Meetings, March 2007, March 2008, March 2011, March 2012, March 2014, March 2016, March 2017, March 2018, March 2019 and May 2022 is available for you to download by clicking on “Constitution